Bullying & Cyberbullying Policy
Arkansas state law requires school districts to adopt policies to prevent student harassment and bullying. Policies must define bullying, prohibit bullying on school property, at school-sponsored activities and on school buses and state the consequences of engaging in bullying behavior. It also requires school employees to report incidents of bullying to the school principal or other school administrators as outlined. Additionally it calls for the policy to be clearly communicated and available to teachers, parents, students, and all other stakeholders.
Bullying is identified as any behavior, verbal or non-verbal that is intended to cause physical, emotional, psychological or social harm. Bullying may be direct (face to face) or indirect. Bullying behaviors that are not addressed generally escalate into more aggressive behaviors over time. These are learned behaviors that can best be addressed by teachers who demonstrate and teach pro-social behaviors.
The following is a list of behaviors that demonstrate bullying. A student who demonstrates bullying behavior may not be a bully. It is the goal of CRA to reduce bullying by addressing these types of behaviors as they occur.
Physical Behavior
Intentionally endangering the welfare of others. Such behaviors are not limited to but include the following:
● Hitting
● Pushing
● Spitting On
● Kicking
● Tripping
● Poking
● Punching
● Shoving
● Blocking
Other examples of physical bullying include:
● Unwanted touching
● Rude gestures
● Taking or damaging another’s property
● Extortion of money or other items
● Making someone do something they otherwise would not do
Verbal Behavior
Verbal bullying includes but is not limited to the following:
● Name Calling
● Teasing
● Bossing
● Threatening
● Making fun of another’s appearance, physical characteristics, or cultural background
● Making fun of another’s actions
Indirect Behavior
Indirect bullying includes but is not limited to the following:
● Exclusion from activities or social activities
● Spreading rumors
● Circulating inappropriate notes or drawings
● Using other people to threaten, intimidate, or humiliate another ● Encouraging others to violate the anti-bullying policy
Cyber Bullying
Inappropriate online behaviors can and will also be considered bullying:
● Sending of inappropriate or threatening emails or text messages
● Creating or posting inappropriate or threatening information or pictures on websites and/or social media
It is the responsibility of all faculty and staff members to report all occurrences of bullying behaviors as outlined in this policy. Parents and students who have knowledge of such behaviors are encouraged to report this information and may do so without fear of consequences. Additionally, students who feel that they have been or are becoming the victims of bullying behaviors should notify the school counselor, teacher, or administration.
Those parents or students who report such behaviors will not be the target of retaliation or reprisal in any way. Any individual who withholds information will be subject to disciplinary action including possible removal from school. Notices of what constitutes bullying or bullying behavior, that bullying is prohibited, and the consequences of engaging in bullying or bullying behaviors will be posted throughout all buildings on campus.
A copy of the bullying policy is posted on the school website and can be made available to any interested party if requested.
Employees, students, parents, and others are encouraged to take advantage of any opportunities to participate in programs or activities which promote the knowledge and skills needed to prevent and/or respond to bullying or bullying behaviors.
CRA recognizes that not all bullying behaviors should be considered bullying or willful violation of this policy. Therefore, administrators will have full discretion to determine whether an action is to be considered bullying and the administration will have full discretion regarding the punishment. The administration of CRA reserves the right to treat any single act as severe enough to warrant dismissal from school.
Each bullying offense will be referred to school administrators for disciplinary action. Each offense will require a parent’s signature on a discipline form. Disciplinary action for bullying offenses will generally follow these guidelines:
● 1st Offense: Warning and meeting with administrator
● 2nd Offense: 2 days detention
● 3rd Offense: 5 days detention
● 4th Offense: Minimum of 2 days of in-school suspension
● 5th Offense: Minimum of 2 days of out of school suspension ● 6th Offense: Student may be recommended for dismissal from school
Cyberbullying may be defined as “the use of electronic communication, particularly mobile phones and the internet, to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Children and adults may be reluctant to admit to being the victims of cyberbullying. It can take a number of different forms: threats and intimidation, harassment or ‘cyber-stalking’ (e.g. repeatedly sending unwanted texts or instant messages), sexting (e.g. sending and receiving sexually explicit messages, primarily between mobile phones) vilification/defamation, exclusion/peer rejection, impersonation, unauthorized publication of private information/images and ‘trolling’ (abusing the internet to provoke or offend others online). It can be an extension of face-to-face bullying, with technology providing the bully with another route to harass their target.
Preventing Cyberbullying
As with all forms of bullying, the best way to deal with cyberbullying is to prevent it from happening in the first place. There is no single solution to the problem of cyberbullying but the school will do the following as a minimum to impose a comprehensive and effective prevention strategy.
● Ensure that all incidents of cyberbullying both inside and outside school are dealt with immediately.
● Ensure that all policies relating to safeguarding, including cyberbullying are reviewed and updated regularly.
● Ensure that all students and staff know that they need to report any issues concerning cyberbullying to the Administrator immediately.
● Provide training so that staff feels confident to identify instances of cyberbullying.
● Ensure that students, parents, and guardians are informed and attention is drawn annually to the cyberbullying policy so that they are fully aware of the school’s responsibility relating to safeguarding pupils and their welfare. Cyberbullying, in any form, will not be tolerated.
Failure to abide by the Social Media Guidelines or Cyberbullying Policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.