About Crowley’s Ridge Academy

Founded in 1953, CRA prides itself in providing affordable Christian education that “builds leaders and builds followers.” CRA builds leaders through its challenging academic programs and by providing opportunities for students to serve one another and the community. At the heart of the school’s mission, however, is “building followers”—nurturing discipleship within the heart of each student through daily Bible study, worship, and a campus culture of Christian values and examples.

With a K-12 enrollment of just 323, students aren’t lost in a sea of faces. Our school setting hearkens back to an earlier era of smaller schools where everyone knew each other’s families, and school was a place of familial connection. At CRA, we’re small enough to make sure every student receives the attention and love they deserve.

Crowley’s Ridge Academy (CRA) is a private Christian school located in Paragould, Arkansas. The school is affiliated with churches of Christ but welcomes students regardless of religious background. CRA is fully accredited by the Arkansas Non-Public School Accrediting Association (ANSAA) and offers a rigorous college preparatory educational experience. CRA provides Christian education for preschool through 12th grade students from Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri.

Our Vision

Crowley’s Ridge Academy will build leaders by providing a challenging and robust academic curriculum, and will build followers through a campus-wide culture of Christian discipleship that is taught, modeled, and practiced.


Our Mission


Students are guided toward a meaningful relationship with God and His Inspired Word.


A strong college preparatory curriculum which challenges the students intellectually and helps prepare them for future jobs, careers, and professions.


A friendly and personal family atmosphere which provides a safe environment that encourages each student to arrive at a sense of self-worth and belonging.


A balance of physical education programs which stress the importance of combining a healthy body with a healthy mind.